2014: Conference: "The Holocaust – Remembering the Deportation of the Jews in Northern Transylvania 70 Years on. 1944-2014"

The conference “Holocaust – Comemorarea a 70 de ani de la deportarea evreilor din Nordul Transilvaniei în lagărele de exterminare nazistă. 1944-2014” (The Holocaust – Remembering the Deportation of the Jews in Northern Transylvania 70 Years on. 1944-2014), Cluj-Napoca, the Dr. Moshe Carmilly Institute for Hebrew and Jewish History, 8-9 April 2014. The event comprised the following panels:

  • “Holocaustul ca istorie de familie” (“The Holocaust as Family History”), lecture delivered by Dr. Paul Farkas, Lecturer (Haifa, Israel), 8 April 2014 at the Dr. Moshe Carmilly Institute for Hebrew and Jewish History
  • “Holocaustul între istorie şi memorie” (“The Holocaust Between History and Memory”), lecture delivered by Dr. Doru Radosav, Professor, 9 April 2014 at the National History Institute, Cluj-Napoca
  • “Holocaustul din Nord-Vestul Transilvaniei. Proiect de istorie orală” (“The Holocaust in North-Western Transylvania. An Oral History Project”), lecture by Dr. Ioana Cosman, 9 April 2014, at the National History Institute, Cluj-Napoca
  • “Cartea supravieţuitoare. Cărţile ebraice ale comunităţilor evreieşti dispărute în Holocaust” (“The Surviving Book. Jewish Books of the Communities that Perished in the Holocaust”), book exhibition, 9 April 2014 at the Lucian Blaga Central University Library, Cluj-Napoca